Pennwood Home and Hearth was founded in 1975 as a pallet recycler. In 1976 power equipment and stove sales and service were added to the business. Due to market conditions and consumer demand, Pennwood has evolved into central Pennsylvania’s leading hearth and patio retailer and installer.
As Pennwood approaches 40 years of being a family business, we still have the mind set to sell quality products and treat the customer as we would want to be treated. Pennwood Home and Hearth is a complete hearth and BBQ retailer with full installation and service departments. Start with our 9,000 plus square foot showroom with over 60 burning displays shown in a variety of styles. With our wide selection of hearth and patio appliances and accessories, we can help you get the perfect product for your home. When you visit us, just tell us what you’re looking for and we will suggest the best products to meet your needs. We like to make on site visits to be able to make sure that our products will match your needs and also to make sure that all the details of the installation are covered. Also by visiting your home or job site we may make recommendations from past experience to guide you in making your decisions.
Our entire staff; sales, installation, and service, receive factory and industry approved training and certifications. This ensures that we have the most knowledgeable staff around. Something that’s just not found in a “Big Box Store”.
Student Opportunities
• Ask a Professional
• Job Shadowing
• Site Visits
• Entry Level Positions – check job board for current openings
For more information contact:
Jeff Bolze
E: jeff@pennwoodcorp.com
P: (814) 359-2761